





Early Summer Honey - 400g

This honey is derived from the area around Ejer Bjerge near Skanderborg, Denmark.
In May and June, the bees fly out to collect nectar from dandelions, canola, hawthorn and the wild
flora. This gives a mild and tasty honey.


Summer Honey - 400g

This honey comes from the area around Ejer Bjerge near Skanderborg. In July and August, the bees fly out and collect nectar from clover, fireweed and the wild flora of Denmark.
This gives an aromatic and full-bodied honey taste.


Heather Honey - 240g

This honey comes from the heath along the North Sea. In August and September, the bees fly out to collect nectar on the Danish heath.
This gives a unique and spicy honey taste.


Mandø Honning

Mandø honning er indsamlet på Mandø`s diger og strandenge

Honning fra Mandø er samlet i sommerperioden fra juli til september.

Bierne har hentet netar i de blomster der gror vildt på digerne, strandenegne og naturen på og ved Mandø.

En af de planter der gror mange af er tætblomstret Hindebæger, som har lilla blomster med det latiske navn Limonium Vulgare.

Den kan i perioden fra juli til septeber hvor den blomster, dække store arealer med sine lilla blomster, et fantastisk syn både for mennesker og bier.

Honningen er ikke fast, men lidt blød i konsistensen og med en dejlig frugtaktig smag. Den egner sig særdeles godt til, at smøre på et stykke lækkert brød.


Danish Beeswax - 80g.

This Danish beeswax comes from our apiaries in the area around Ejer Bjerge.


Beeswax is a 100% pure natural product and derived from the bees' wax glands. When bees sweat, they produce wax for the building of their new bee comb in the hive. Because the bees produce more wax than they need, we collect beeswax from the bee families on an ongoing basis.


As our beeswax comes from a closed pure green pool of wax, it may be used for Bee Wraps (wrapping for food products) as well as for various natural cosmetics, etc.
