Honninghuset Ejer Baunehøj, a professional beekeeping business, was established in 2007. Our beekeeping consists of about 250 bee hives. We sell high-quality queen bees and tasteful honey. We have apiaries in the area around Ejer Bjerge, south of Skanderborg, Denmark.


The apiaries are located in species-rich areas of natural beauty to give the bees the best living conditions. About 2/3 of our bees are used in our breeding programme for the selection and breeding of queen bees.


The company has a green profile and green operation, focusing exclusively on the use of biological treatment of the bees, and the wax comes from a “green” wax pool.


My name is Jakob Germundsson. Since the early 1990s, I have been fascinated by bees and their amazing life. At the beginning my beekeeping consisted of two bee hives, but over the years, it has developed significantly. My hobby has become my way of life, and I have been a full-time beekeeper since 2015.






My professional foundation is the experience and practical knowledge of bees and their lifecycle gained during my 25 years of working as a beekeeper.
Since 2007 I have bred queen bees, focusing on good and vital bees. This requires a high degree of patience and perseverance, as it takes 4-6 years before there is a new breeder for my breeding of queen bees.

My breeding of queen bees is based on the Buckfast method, which was developed by the English monk Brother
Adam at Buckfast Abbey in the twentieth century, hence the name the Buckfast bee.

The Buckfast bee is a cross of many subspecies and a breeding method, not a specific race of bee.
The properties of the various races of bees are used to shape future breeders, and later on the queen bees are randomly mated.



Hygienic behaviour
Honey yield
Swarm inertia
Clinging to frame during manipulation


Small and large professional beekeepers alike.


My breeding equipment for good vital queen bees consists of a starter colony and two supporting colonies to which the 48-hour old larvae are added. After 24 hours the cells are moved to strong finishing colonies where the cells are completed. The sealed cells are placed in an incubator until they hatch.

My queen bees are randomly mated in apiaries with a large number of drones and a mix of various breeding lines. This is how I get the best result in terms of vitality and mating.

New external breeding stock is added on an ongoing basis. I maintain and refresh my breeding lines through island mating on the islands of Tunø, Glænø, Manø and Helnæs.

I am also involved in the testing of commercial queen bees with the Association of Danish Beekeepers.

Our breeding results from the past few years appear from below:



The bees collect nectar from many different flowers. At the beehive, the nectar is transformed into honey by
means of enzymes from the bee's honey stomach.

As a general rule, the honey is ready to be harvested when the bees have sealed 2/3 of the frames with a small layer of wax. When the small layer of wax on the sealed cells has been removed, the honey is ready to be extracted in the centrifuge.

The honey is sieved to remove small bits of wax. The newly-centrifuged honey is completely liquid, but it will gradually grow thicker over a couple of weeks. During this period, the honey must be stirred. The duration of the stirring process depends on the temperature and type of honey. The stirring prevents the formation of large crystals and ensures that the honey does not get too hard.
The crystals in the honey contribute to the taste so it is essential to pick the right time for the bottling.


Early Summer Honey - 400g

This honey is derived from the area around Ejer Bjerge near Skanderborg, Denmark.
In May and June, the bees fly out to collect nectar from dandelions, canola, hawthorn and the wild
flora. This gives a mild and tasty honey.

Summer Honey - 400g

This honey comes from the area around Ejer Bjerge near Skanderborg. In July and August, the bees fly out and collect nectar from clover, fireweed and the wild flora of Denmark.
This gives an aromatic and full-bodied honey taste.

Heather Honey - 240g

This honey comes from the heath along the North Sea. In August and September, the bees fly out to collect nectar on the Danish heath.
This gives a unique and spicy honey taste.

Danish Bee pollen - 110 g.

Our bee pollen is collected from Danish honey bees. The bees collect pollen from many different flowers in the area around the Ejer Bjerge, all of which have their own colour and taste. Therefore, the bee pollen tastes differently depending on which flower it has been collected from.


Each pollen ball contains up to 5 million pollen grains, and a bee must carry out about 14,000 trips to collect 100 g of bee pollen.


Bee pollen is the bees’ vitamin pill and protein source. Without pollen, bees cannot establish and develop the bee family or its vitality.


Bee pollen is rich in proteins, amino acids and vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K). Bee pollen is also rich in enzymes, antioxidants and antibiotics.

Therefore, bee pollen is a great natural dietary supplement. As a supplement, take 1-2 teaspoons on a daily basis (children should take half the dose).


Bee pollen can be eaten raw or used in a variety of ways: as decorations on cakes or salads, in smoothies or on breakfast products. The sky is the limit.


If you do not know if you are allergic to bee pollen, it is a good idea to eat a little bit first to see how your body reacts.


Children under the age of 1 year and pregnant or breast-feeding women should not eat bee pollen.

Danish Beeswax - 80g.

This Danish beeswax comes from our apiaries in the area around Ejer Bjerge.


Beeswax is a 100% pure natural product and derived from the bees' wax glands. When bees sweat, they produce wax for the building of their new bee comb in the hive. Because the bees produce more wax than they need, we collect beeswax from the bee families on an ongoing basis.


As our beeswax comes from a closed pure green pool of wax, it may be used for Bee Wraps (wrapping for food products) as well as for various natural cosmetics, etc.

Mandø Honning

Mandø honning er indsamlet på Mandø`s diger og strandenge

Honning fra Mandø er samlet i sommerperioden fra juli til september.

Bierne har hentet netar i de blomster der gror vildt på digerne, strandenegne og naturen på og ved Mandø.

En af de planter der gror mange af er tætblomstret Hindebæger, som har lilla blomster med det latiske navn Limonium Vulgare.

Den kan i perioden fra juli til septeber hvor den blomster, dække store arealer med sine lilla blomster, et fantastisk syn både for mennesker og bier.

Honningen er ikke fast, men lidt blød i konsistensen og med en dejlig frugtaktig smag. Den egner sig særdeles godt til, at smøre på et stykke lækkert brød.



Torvet 16, 8700 Horsens

SuperBrugsen Gedved

Skovvej 2 8751 Gedved


Thonbogade 19 8700 Horsens

Butik Værdig

Bytorvet 24 8680 Ry

Skanderborg Helsekost

Adelgade 132, 8660 Skanderborg

Helsekosten Viborg

Sct. Mogens Gade 70, 8800 Viborg


Ørridslevvej 1, 8732 Hovedgård


H.C.Andersensvej 2C, 8752 Østbirk


Langagergård 5 , 8700 Horsens


Sundgårdsvej 1, 8700 Horsens

Dagli brugsen Tebstrup

Horsensvej 101, 8660 Skanderborg

Det er muligt at købe honning på spande i store mængder, kontakt os for mere information.



Honey can be used in many different ways in cooking.
Below you will find recipes with honey.

Honning IsGrovbrød med honningSvinekød i honning og ingefærSports drik bee stitch



Day-to-day delivery (inland only) Monday to Thursday. Except holidays.

Sales to foreign countries are subject to a fee of DKK 800 for the veterinary document, plus shipping.


If your company is outside Denmark but within the EU, VAT will be deducted from the price when the VAT no. has been furnished.

Please write the VAT number in the comments box at checkout.


Discount: 10% on the purchase of packages of 10. 15% on the purchase of packages of 50.

The discount will appear from the final invoice that you receive upon receipt of your package


Prices are quoted in Danish kroner—1 Euro = 7.5 Danish kroner (depending on the exchange rate)





10 piecessave 10%

Sale of cells for new offshoots and bee families

Minimum amount: 5. For collection only.


From about 23 May to 18 July

Call or write to organise collection.


For DK inland sale only.



10 piecessave 10%

Sale of unmated queen bees from selected breeding lines


From about 27 May to 18 July

Sold out for the rest of the year



10 piecessave 10%

Sale of mated queen bees from selected breeding lines.

Selling from about 28 June to 10 September or until stocks are exhausted.


Tilsætnings vejledning




  • Hygiejnisk adfærd
  • Vitalitet
  • Honning udbytte
  • Sværmtræghed
  • Fredelighed
  • Tavlefasthed


Vi deltager i DBF’s test af brugsdronninger.
Se avlsoplysninger på vores hjemmeside: min-honning.dk.



Du har nu modtaget en dronning fra Queen Bee - Honninghuset Ejer Bavnehøj. Vi er glade for, at du har valg at handle hos os. Du fortjener som biavler de bedste forudsætninger for et godt resultat. Se vejledningen nedenfor: Din dronning har været undervejs et stykke tid. Derfor er det bedst at tilsætte dronningen til bifamilien, samme dag som du modtager den. Dog er det muligt at vente 1-3 dage. Opbevar dronningen i skyggen og ved stuetemperatur. Giv den en til to dråber vand pr. dag uden på buret.








Den sikreste måde er at etablere en aflægger. Etabler en aflægger 1-2 dage før du modtager dronningen. Dette gøres nemmest på følgende måde alt efter årstid:


1. JUNI - 1 blandet yngeltavle, 1 pollen/fodertavle samt bier fra 2 yngeltavler.


1. JULI - 3 yngeltavler med alle stadier af yngel, 1 pollen/fodertavle samt bier fra 2 yngeltavler.


Efter 15. juli skal aflæggeren bestå af 3 yngeltavler med alle stader af yngel, 1 pollen/ fodertavle samt bier fra 3 yngeltavler som rystes over i den nye familie.


A Fjern splitten i enden af indføringsburet, og sæt det ned mellem tavlerne, således at bierne kan gnave den nye dronning ud.


B Bifamilien fodres herefter med 2,5 kg foderdej.


C Vent med at åbne bifamilien til der er gået 7 dage. Tjek derefter om dronningen er i æglægning.




Det er også muligt at skifte en parret dronning ind i en eksisterende familie. Fjern den gamle dronning 1-2 dage før modtagelsen af den nye dronning, og følg punkt A. Er der ikke træk, er det en god ide at fodre lidt, med foderdej eller 50% sukkervand. Er bifamilien uden en dronning fra starten, så tjek den grundigt for celler og uparrede dronninger. Disse klemmes inden tilsætning af ny parret dronning. Følg herefter punkt A og B.


OBS. Efter 1. august kan man ved metode 1 og 2 skifte dronningen ind, samme dag som du modtager den.



Du har nu modtaget en dronning fra Queen Bee - Honninghuset Ejer Bavnehøj. Vi er glade for, at du har valg at handle hos os. Du fortjener som biavler de bedste forudsætninger for et godt resultat. Se vejledningen nedenfor: Din dronning har været undervejs et stykke tid. Derfor er det bedst at tilsætte dronningen til bifamilien, samme dag som du modtager den. Dog er det muligt at vente 1-3 dage. Opbevar dronningen i skyggen og ved stuetemperatur. Giv den en til to dråber vand pr. dag uden på buret.




A Etabler en aflægger 7-9 dage før du modtager dronningen. Dette gøres nemmest på følgende måde alt efter årstid:

1. JUNI - 1 forseglet yngeltavle, 1 pollen/fodertavle samt bier fra 2 yngeltavler.

1. JULI - 3 yngeltavler med alle stadier af yngel, 1 pollen/fodertavle samt bier fra 2 yngeltavler.


Efter 15. juli bruges der kun parrede dronninger, da familien ellers ikke kan nå en størrelse, hvor den kan overvintre hensigtsmæssigt.

B Efter aflæggeren har stået 7-9 dage tjekkes alle tavlerne for dronningeceller. Dette sker ved at alle bierne rystes af tavlerne, og eventuelle dronningeceller fjernes. Dronningen er nu klar til at blive tilsat.

C Fjern splitten i enden af indføringsburet, og sæt det ned mellem tavlerne, således at bierne kan gnave den nye dronning ud.


D Bifamilien fodres herefter med 2,5 kg foderdej.


E Vent med at åbne bifamilien til der er gået 18 dage. Tjek derefter om dronningen er parret. Er den ikke parret klemmes dronningen. Bierne er nu så gamle, at de ikke kan opfostre en ny uparret dronning, så familien slåes sammen med en anden og man starter forfra med en ny aflægger.